Moving and New things

Moving and New things

I found out I'm MOVING!!! 

This is great News. I've lived in my current apartment for 7 years. My work shop has been in the attic with no ventilation.. That is a problem due to my medical condition. 

Being as it is ,When it was decided my brother was moving back in with dad. I was put into a position of finding a new place, or pay way to much with a Landlord who refuses to fix anything. Choice was pretty clear. 

Found a Little house and my Workshop will now be in the Living area of the house. Which means Climate control and ventilation. 

This means that I won't be on as much for a few weeks as I prepare to move. I will still ship Packages and post listings as I can. I just might not be Creating much for a few weeks as I settle in and unpack.  



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