Changes in running a buisness solo vs with my mom.

Changes in running a buisness solo vs with my mom.

When I started considering selling my art back in 2014 I didn't realize I'd be on the way to being self sufficient.. 

Everyday was new and everyday I learned new task, new info. Some of it Flew over my head but some of it stuck. I love photography even though its hard. I love designing little areas and scenery for my Designs. 

But goodness I've looked back at the first shots and all I can say is OUCH!! 

They were so bad. But I've grown a Lot.. 



This photo was taken about 4 years into our growth. It is Patchy, plain and boring. 


 Although the picture is not 100% the best. I know I have room to grow , I'm glad of the work in designing. Photographing my Designs. Although its hard without my mom. 

Now I'm in charge of all of the decisions, The photography, posting,creating and promoting. It is overwhelming. 

I'm glad that I have friends willing to help me with posting on social media. My Husband willing to learn photography to help me. 

Although I'm alone.. I'm not Alone.. I have friends and Loved ones who are willing to support me. 


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